The IICA Delegation in the country along with FAO Representation and the World Bank have been carrying out joint activities with the aim of offering between these three international cooperation agencies support and technical cooperation to address the important issue of water the Dominican Republic.
The water issue has become a priority for the current government authorities, declaring the 2016-2020 period as ‘Four-year of Water’ and that is why a strategy has been defined for its approach, which relies on four (4) pillars defined as priorities. Namely:
First: Organize and strengthen water sector institutions, differentiating the roles correctly and improving capabilities.
Second: Expanding supply coverage by 83% by 2020, including 88% in urban areas and 70% in rural areas.
Third: A «National Sanitation Strategy» to end the uncontrolled dumping of rubbish in the streets.
Fourth: Continue projects integrated management of river basins, also including reforestation.
This scene in the Dominican Republic has made IICA and other cooperation agencies unify their efforts and resources in conjunction with national institutions to design actions and identify opportunities that contribute to these strategic lines defined by the Dominican Government.