Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Flagship Project on Inclusion in Agriculture and Rural Territories Finishes Training Program


Flagship Project on Inclusion in Agriculture and Rural Territories Finishes Training Program

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The content of this training program included topics such as leadership, empowerment, participation and organizational impact and linking capacity for the marketing of their partners products.

Azua, Dominican Republic, 27 and 28 September 2017 (IICA). As part of the activities to be developed under the 2017 Work Plan of the Flagship Project on Inclusion in Agriculture and Rural Territories, several workshops took place under the Component No. 3 “Empowerment of excluded groups”, which is being executed together with the Territorial Action Group (GAT) in the municipalities of Las Yayas, Padre Las Casas and Guayabal in the Azua province, in the southwest region of the Dominican Republic.

These workshops, which sought to strengthen the organizational capacities in the territories and to link their productive activities with the markets, were carried out under the responsibility of technical consultants of the Foundation for the Development of Rural Youth (FUNDEJUR), who were hired to develop such program.

The training program for producers of several productive organizations in the aforementioned communities will be complemented by the participative elaboration of two business plans to an equal number of organizations which carry out an important productive activity, and they  will serve as a planning tool for a business approach to their production and access to financing sources, as well as to boost income generation and have a positive impact on the living conditions of its rural men, women and youth partners.

The Flagship Project on Inclusion in Agriculture and Rural Territories seeks to reduce poverty and inequities, as well as to promote an equitable and sustainable incorporation of these groups into the processes of revitalization of the agricultural and rural economy, the strengthening of the quality and density of the social fabric of the territory to expand its capacity for proposition, dialogue, coordination and advocacy and improve the welfare of rural populations.









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