Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agronegocios Innovación

His Excellency Mr. Enrique Cadena visits the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic

Agronegocios Innovación

His Excellency Mr. Enrique Cadena visits the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

“We are starting a strong relationship with Embassies nationwide to strengthen our capacity to provide technical cooperation,” said Frank Lam

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 2018 (IICA). The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic had the privilege of receiving the Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Enrique Cadena Suasnavas, in the office of the Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Frank Lam. In this meeting, Mr. Cadena shared the mission and vision of IICA, as well as the main elements of the recent 2018 – 2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP) that has been initiated by Dr. Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA. During the exchange of ideas, Mr. Cadena showed a special interest in the topics of innovation and technology that IICA offers as technical cooperation in the country.

Among the main agreements reached in this fruitful meeting, a work agenda was elaborated that allows the technical support of various Ecuadorian institutions in the technical cooperation activities, mainly those related to the transfer of technologies in the development of mathematical models that strengthen the Systems of Early Warning (EWS) within the Project “Component of the Dominican Republic of the Central American Program for Integral Management of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD)” and the dissemination and exchange of ideas in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied to the Agriculture.


More information: Frank Lam, IICA Representative  in the Dominican Republic,



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