Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA accompanies the Dominican Association of Processors, Importers and Representatives of Seeds, Inc. (ADOSEMILLAS) in its First International Seed Seminar


IICA accompanies the Dominican Association of Processors, Importers and Representatives of Seeds, Inc. (ADOSEMILLAS) in its First International Seed Seminar

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

«The Dominican agricultural competitiveness starts from the selection of a genetic material that responds to the demands of the market» emphasized Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom., November 2018 (IICA). As part of the cooperation agenda with the institutions of the Dominican private agricultural sector, the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic participated in the First International Seed Seminar «Progress and Challenges of the Dominican Seed Industry» held on Thursday, November 22 by the Dominican Association of Processors, Importers and Seed Reprsentatives, Inc. (ADOSEMILLAS) where diverse topics were addressed such as the performance of the different varieties of vegetables grown in the country, national and international trade of vegetables produced in the Dominican Republic and legal reforms and institutional requirements of the sector.

Additionally, IICA has been working since the beginning of this year with the Permanent Commission of Agricultural Affairs of the Senate of the Republic and its president, Senator Amílcar Romero, in the preparation and revision of the draft of the National Seed Law that expects to regulate and adapt the production of plant propagation material to current conditions, in such a way that it can respond to the dynamism of the market, the close connection with the private sector and existing international regulations, since this law dates from the 70s.

IICA has been repositioning itself as the preferred partner among private institutions with the aim of working together to promote initiatives that lead to an improvement in the productivity and competitiveness of the Dominican agricultural sector and, its close links with public institutions allow collaboration more direct and effective between public and private sectors.


More information: Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic,



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