With the signing of said agreement, the IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic will have 50 partial annual scholarships to support academic training

Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep., August 2019 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture and the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) have established an alliance to strengthen the academic offer in favor of students and young professionals from 34 countries of the Americas.
The agreement signed between the two institutions is intended to establish the basis of a cooperation framework to contribute to lifelong learning and improve the potential of interested academics and professionals under the modality of distance education with virtual environment.
In this regard, each IICA member country will receive 50 partial scholarships annually to pursue online programs in areas that promote agricultural development and rural well-being, such as environment, engineering, business, health, etc. Scholarships will be available to students and partner institutions and the academic offer includes undergraduate studies, university specialization, masters and doctorates.
From now on, the IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic and FUNIBER will hold an information session to provide more information on the process of application to the scholarship and academic programs. For more information on academic programs, visit: www.funiber.org.
Más información: Gaudy Suzaña, Especialista en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad de los Alimentos, Gaudy.suzana@iica.int