Four (4) internal consultation workshops were conducted with actors from the national coffee chain

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, july 2019 (IICA). The Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), through the Component in the Dominican Republic of the Central American Program for the Integral Management of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD) initiated the actions to gather information that will serve as input for the construction of the Development Plan of the coffee sector in the Dominican Republic in order to face the challenges facing various segments of the coffee chain.
Within the framework of these actions, (4) internal consultation workshops were conducted with the technicians and officials of INDOCAFE, actors in the coffee value chain, the INDOCAFE board of directors and a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture. These activities provided the necessary inputs to guide decision-making within the chain and allow the construction of a plan to strengthen the institutional framework of the sector.
An international IICA-CATIE mission with the participation of the regional PROCAGICA facilitated the event. Participants held worktables to identify the main short and medium term challenges of the coffee sector, as well as their response actions.
More Information: Unidad Coordinadora de Proyectos (UCP), PROCAGICA-RD,