Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático Energías renovables Recursos Naturales

IICA continues its process of certification in the Blue Flag

Cambio climático Energías renovables Recursos Naturales

IICA continues its process of certification in the Blue Flag

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

IICA has registered in the Ecological Blue Flag Program (PBAE) for the period 2019

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 2019 (IICA). In order to take actions to benefit the environment and expand the philosophy of hygiene, water saving, electricity, fossil fuels and paper, as well as promoting environmental education that contributes to the mitigation of greenhouse gases and the effects of Climate Change, the Representation of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), has registered in the Ecological Blue Flag Program (PBAE) for the period 2019, in the XIV Category “Eco Diplomatic”, and to its effect has formed a Ecological Blue Pro-Flag Committee.


As part of the actions carried out within the Ecological Blue Flag Program, the “Efficient use of water” talk was held on June 5, given to all officials of the representation, presented by the Corporation of the Aqueduct of Santo Domingo (CAASD), which is the state body responsible for the supply of drinking water and sanitation of wastewater in the city of Santo Domingo.   This is part of the actions programmed during the year to find solutions that contribute to the efforts, contribute to compliance and institutional commitment to the environment and be a positive reference in the use and management of resources and solid waste.  


More information: Arisaura Salcedo, Technical Administrative Assistant, PROCAGICA-RD,



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