Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA continues to strengthen the agricultural extension system in the Dominican Republic

Cambio climático

IICA continues to strengthen the agricultural extension system in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

There will be eight regional workshops to train extension technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture in good agricultural and livestock practices


Group photo of the participants of the first phase of the SNCS Training
Program with the Representative of IICA Dominican Republic, Eng. Frank Lam

Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom., October 31, 2017 (IICA). During the month of November, the IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic will be developing the second phase of the multiplier training workshop for extension workers of the Ministry of Agriculture for the implementation of the National Soil Conservation Service (SNCS), where two hundred (200) will be trained. extension technicians belonging to the eight regional of the Ministry of Agriculture at a national level on soil and water conservation with a basin approach. The workshops will be held in the provinces of Valverde, Santiago de los Caballeros, Peravia, Barahona, San Juan de la Maguana, La Vega, San Francisco de Macoris and Higüey.

In the first phase of this training program, forty extension technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Livestock General Directorate participated, who were trained in topics on Field Schools, Soil and Water Conservation, Agroforestry, Sustainable Livestock and Management and Management of Basins and that now multiply the knowledge acquired to the different extension technicians who will participate in the second phase. Once this phase is completed, the participants will assume the commitment to transfer the knowledge to the producers that are in their respective provinces.

This Training Program is developed within the framework of a Rapid Response Action (ARR) whose objective is to strengthen the capabilities of the extension system of the Ministry of Agriculture in soil and water conservation with a basin approach, to multiply knowledge on sustainable management of natural resources.


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change,


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