Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Gestión del conocimiento

IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic offered an Induction Workshop for its staff

Gestión del conocimiento

IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic offered an Induction Workshop for its staff

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic offered an Induction Workshop for its staff


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic offered an Induction Workshop for its staff

In compliance with IICA regulations and actions planned 2017 aimed at strengthening personnel performance on April 7th  at the Naco Club of the Community of Boca Chica of the Province of Santo Domingo Este, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic, developed its III Induction Workshop for its personnel, the first activity to Strengthen Staff Performance scheduled for 2017, taking advantage of the fact that IICA recently joined the new technical and administrative staff.

With the addition of this new staff, a total of 16 technical and administrative staff and financial staff of the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic.

According to the IICA rules, the induction activity should be done for the new entry staff, as well as on those occasions when there is a change in policy and action strategy of the institution.

During the event, which covered the whole day, the following topics were presented: An introductory talk of motivation and personal self-assessment dictated by an expert on this subject, entitled «Resilience in Our Life.» Then Mr. Frank Lam, IICA’s Representative in the country, continued to make known what IICA is, its objective, vision and mission, and then to discuss the issue related to its organizational infrastructure, policies, plans and strategies, as well as the main general projects and sources of resources used by the institution for the development of its activities in the 34 member countries and its Representation in Spain, office that maintains the link with European countries; concluding this section with the presentation of the «IICA Country Strategy» and explaining the set of projects developed by the institution in the Dominican Republic.

Next, Mr. Héctor Garibaldis Pérez presented the aspects related to SUGI, while Mrs. Fior D’Aliza García presented the topics related to IICA’s system and administration mechanisms.

At the conclusion of the event, the Representative of IICA, Mr. Frank Lam, explained what  «One IICA» consisted of and urged all staff to concentrate all their effort and commitment to comply with the regulations issued by the institution and to contribute to raising the institutional image, noting that IICA’s assets are based on the principle of the capacity and quality of its personnel to provide professional services to member countries in accordance with their needs. Of the result of the fulfillment and responsibility of each one of the members of that team as an individual, being this type of activity one of the mechanisms to increase the commitments of the personnel with the institutional objectives.


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