Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participates in Action Partnership of the coconut value chain


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participates in Action Partnership of the coconut value chain

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The production of coconut in the Dominican Republic is being relaunched and at this moment the coconut industry moves over 40 million dollars yearly

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2018 (IICA). With the objective of having a diagnosis at the country level about the gaps and opportunities for investment and financing for small producers was held on April 16 by the Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD), a workshop with coconut producers from different areas of the country, representatives of financial institutions and public and private institutions linked to this subsector.

Through the Fund for Financing and Investment of Small Producers and Farmers (SAFIN) promoted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), an attempt is made to define the scope of a study of the Investment Prospectus (IP) and identify partners to carry out an evaluation; as well as the opportunity to make partnerships in the coconut value chain and associated crops in the Dominican Republic to provide the scope for the development of financial models to support the financial inclusion of small farmers.

With the implementation of this network in the country, it is sought to group the public and private sectors with the objective of solving, through coordinated action and investment, the challenges that affect rural financing; in this case in particular to the coconut producers and associated crops in the Dominican Republic.


The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic as a member of the National Coconut Platform has expressed its willingness to contribute to this process, offering all the support and technical collaboration so that this important crop can strengthen its organizational structure with producers and its value chain.


More information: Héctor Garibaldis Pérez, Agribusiness Specialist


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