Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participates in the International Congress on Agribusiness


IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participates in the International Congress on Agribusiness

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The aim of this First International Congress on Agribusiness is to serve as a meeting space to discuss, learn new ideas and to offer recommendations to improve national agribusiness in order to improve their national and international competitiveness. The Congress also aims to promote the creation of a platform that promotes the innovation and entrepreneurship in the agricultural industry.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November, 2017 (IICA). The Pedro Henriquez Ureña University (UNPHU), in coordination with various national and international organizations, including IICA, organized the First International Congress on Agribusiness «Agribusiness for the Future» from November 1-2, 2017.

In this first edition, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic was invited to participate with the presentation: «Quality: Differentiating Strategy of the Agribusiness» that was presented by Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic.

During his presentation, Mr. Lam highlighted the importance of the concept of quality as a differentiating and strategic element when competing, both in national and international markets. Likewise, Mr. Lam provided a timeline of the recent changes, trends and preferences of consumers towards agri-food products, where convenience, health and safety represent the three great challenges and opportunities for Dominican agribusiness.

The academic sector in the Dominican Republic represents a natural partner for the IICA Delegation in the country, and during the last months, this Delegation has strengthened its relationship with universities and faculties of agronomy at the national level.


More Information: Frank Lam,

                                 IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic



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