Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Delegation in DR participated in the International Food, Beverages and Tobacco AGROALIMENTARIA 2017 6th Edition


IICA Delegation in DR participated in the International Food, Beverages and Tobacco AGROALIMENTARIA 2017 6th Edition

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


I ICA Delegation in DR participated in the International Food, Beverages and Tobacco AGROALIMENTARIA 2017 6th Edition


I ICA Delegation in DR participated in the International Food, Beverages and Tobacco AGROALIMENTARIA 2017 6th Edition

With the participation in the technical conference of the 6th Agroalimentaria Edition 2017, organized by the JAD and CEI-RD, IICA Republica Dominicana offered its technical contribution with the participation as speaker of Mr. Horrys Friaca, SAIA Specialist who presented the Food Safety Modernization Act of the United States of America (FSMA). In the activity, several national and international organizations presented technical topics, aimed at facilitating the capacity on the agroexport issues in the country.

This international fair is a meeting place for dialogue, exchange of information and knowledge, as well as a place to visualize trends. The best experts, the most authoritative voices, experience and reliability are the common characteristics of the wide range of activities, forums, conferences and workshops scheduled during the fair.

Agroalimentaria 2017 facilitated the expansion of agricultural exports and promoted contact between local producers and international buyers, especially fresh and processed products, both conventional and organic. This year the fair featured more than 100 exhibitors and about 193 buyers from 35 countries.


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