Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Delegation in DR, Peru and El Salvador participate in Virtual Seminar on trade agreements with the USA


IICA Delegation in DR, Peru and El Salvador participate in Virtual Seminar on trade agreements with the USA

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.



Under the project «Strengthening of bilateral trade between the United States and those countries in Latin America with which the United States of America (USA) has established free trade agreements» the Virtual Seminar was done on the basis of consulting ‘Opportunities identification to improve Dominican access to the casaba market into USA and strengthening management capabilities and implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Dominican Republic and the United States’. Peruvian consultants also participated and presented the Coffee situation and El Salvador for the case of Plantain.

The purpose of this seminar was the systematization of relevant experiences in market access, management and implementation of commercial bilateral trade agreement between the Dominican Republic, Peru and El Salvador with USA.

Through this consultancy was expected the identification of obstacles that prevent the entry of food and specific agricultural products including Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in force and signed with USA, but not being exported or whose export is minimal in the three mentioned countries in Latin America.

Another outcome was that the actors in the countries would start to build capacities in order to identify and benefit from opportunities in the area of ​​trade policies and markets for agricultural products, as negotiated in the FTA signed with USA.


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