Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Cambio climático

IICA Dominican Republic applies to the Ecological Blue Flag Program

Agricultura Cambio climático

IICA Dominican Republic applies to the Ecological Blue Flag Program

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The Ecological Blue Flag is an award or distinction that is awarded annually, which re-wards the effort and volunteer work in the pursuit of conservation and development

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2019 (IICA).  The IICA Office in the Dominican Republic, has been registered in the Ecological Blue Flag Program (PBAE) for the 2019 period, in the XIV «Eco Diplomatic» category, and to its effect has formed a Blue Pro-Flag Committee Ecological in order to take actions to benefit the environment and expand the philosophy of cleanliness, hygiene, water saving, electricity, fossil fuels and paper, as well as promoting environmental education that contributes to mitigation of greenhouse gases and the effects of climate change,

The Ecological Blue Flag is an award or distinction that is awarded annually, which rewards the effort and volunteer work in the pursuit of conservation and development, in accordance with the protection of natural resources, the implementation of actions to face the climate change, the search of better hygienic sanitary conditions and the improvement of the public health of the inhabitants. In 2015, the category «Eco Diplomatic» was developed, which is focused on promoting ecological actions in the Embassies or Consulates of the world.

As part of this program, the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic seeks solutions that contribute to the efforts and institutional commitment to the environment and be a positive reference in the use and management of solid waste


More information: Arisaura Salcedo, Administrative Technical Assistant, PROCAGICA-RD,  


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