The activities will include workshops that will serve as a platform for strengthening updated knowledge to improve the development of export activities of fresh products to the United States of America

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2018 (IICA). As a result of the positive impact and evaluation from the extension agents of the Ministry of Agriculture linked to the exports field who participated in the four workshops implemented by the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA), several associations of producers and export professionals have requested that these workshops be given to their partners and technicians
IICA, as a technical cooperation agency that supports the strengthening of technical capacities through knowledge management, has managed to adjust a schedule with four additional workshops in order to respond to these demands. In this regard, these workshops will be held in the cities where these organizations and export professionals are located, to strengthen their knowledge on the updating of standards, processes, regulations and requirements for the export of fresh products to the United States of America.

Agriculture participating in the workshops
This project was executed by IICA Dominican Republic with funds from the United States of America Department of Agriculture through the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), and in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture (MA); it has already carried out four workshops with 140 extension technicians. The main objective of this project is to update the technical staff of public and private institutions of the standards, processes, regulations and current requirements for the export of fresh agricultural products to the United States of America (Training the trainers).
The workshop syllabus included topics such as: the conceptualization of agricultural businesses, opportunities of national agriculture, benefits and risks of exporting, the ABC of agricultural exports, US market, requirements of national regulations and standards, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the requirements of the US market, among other topics.
These trainings are intended to contribute to the institutional strengthening of, both public and private sector, and to ensure an updated flow of information, especially in those institutions that are closest to producers and exporters of fresh products.
More information: Hector Garibaldis Perez, Specialist in Agribusiness,