Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Agronegocios

IICA-DR Office and ADOPEM Bank articulate efforts to promote rural well-being

Agricultura Agronegocios

IICA-DR Office and ADOPEM Bank articulate efforts to promote rural well-being

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

ADOPEM is part of the group of institutions of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation

of IICA’s MTP 2018-2022

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2019 (IICA). With the aim to identify technical cooperation actions, the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic has facilitated several meetings with the ADOPEM Bank (Dominican Association for the Development of Women), as part of the efforts for the articulation of strategic alliances (public-private sector) and the adoption of differentiated strategies for the implementation of IICA’s MTP 2018-2022.

Both institutions have held several work meetings, in which they have explored the possibility of cooperation in the strategic lines of IICA: a. Competitiveness of the national production to guarantee the food security, b. Natural resources and climate change in the agricultural sector and c. Strengthening of the National Program for Agricultural Health and Food Safety; and the different programs and services offered by ADOPEM in rural areas at the national level, with the interest of linking the financial part as a way to expand the proposal and objectives of the actions contemplated in IICA’s programs and strategic lines.

Likewise, ADOPEM has expressed its interest in offering technical advice and training to beneficiaries of projects executed by IICA in matters of finance and rural businesses; as well as to insert itself in the topics of mitigation of climatic risks, development of rural women and to explore the possibility of financial leverage; among others.

Within the next steps, both institutions agreed to prepare a work plan proposal to formalize inter-institutional relations, through a technical cooperation agreement, for a period of two years.


More information: Hector Garibaldis Perez, Specialist in Agribusiness, 


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