Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA-DR participates in the Montecristi Productive Agricultural Forum


IICA-DR participates in the Montecristi Productive Agricultural Forum

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

“If the agriculture is taken out of Montecristi, it is simply left without alternatives for life, labor, the labor and productive force of the province and consequently the dynamics of the economy in which it develops; it disappears

Members of the Montecristi Agricultural Forum Presidium 

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 2018 (IICA).  The “Montecristi Productive Agricultural Forum” was held with the objective of providing a space for discussion in the local productive sector that will allow a perspective of the present and future of the agricultural sector in the province of Montecristi. Its inputs will serve as a thematic matrix to promote the formulation of public policies and the management of the development of the provincial agricultural sector.

The panel, composed of 4 speakers, addressed the topics: Challenges and opportunities of agricultural activity in the province of Montecristi, climate change and risk management, use and application of new technologies in agriculture and challenges of new markets in globalization.

“Agriculture faces the enormous challenge of feeding a growing population, estimated at 9.2 billion people in 2050, which must preserve the sustainability of the planet, and this enormous challenge is only possible by incorporating new technologies into agriculture.  In this sense, the importance of new technologies is that they make it possible to develop precision agriculture (seeking greater efficiency in cultivation through agronomic management) and the efficient and profitable administration of agricultural and livestock farms.   

The event was attended by national and regional authorities linked to the agricultural sector, as well as cooperation agencies such as IICA, FAO, UNDP and academia, and by representatives of institutions, organizations and professionals in the area. 

More information: Héctor Garibaldis Pérez, Agribusiness Specialist, 



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