Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Mercados agropecuarios

IICA-DR participates in the preparation of a proposal for the promotion of Coconut

Mercados agropecuarios

IICA-DR participates in the preparation of a proposal for the promotion of Coconut

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Representatives of coconut producers at the national level present problems and needs to the Ministry of Agriculture in order to develop the activities for the promotion of coconut in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 2018 (IICA). In order to join forces, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic leads the Coconut Platform as a structure that brings together the different producer organizations of this important crop throughout the country.

In response to the demands arising from these organizations, meetings are held between these different actors to present a technical and economic proposal to the Ministry of Agriculture in which the problems and needs are presented to develop a broad program of rehabilitation, renewal and promotion of plantations of coconut in the entire country.

In this meeting, fifteen issues have been prioritized as well as the possible solutions proposed by the coconut producers’ organizations, Ministry of Agriculture authorities, and public and private institutions. Some of the issues identified in this meeting include age and varieties of the existing plantations, the pests and diseases that affect the crop, access to the markets for their commercialization, financing, agroindustrialization and added value, land tenure, business alliances, business plans; among others.

The Dominican Republic has a great potential for the production of this crop, given that its conditions are soils and agroclimatic that favor them. Currently, the country has more than 18 agroindustrial companies that produce coconut and historically the country has been a large producer of this crop.

The Representation of IICA-RD has been supporting the Coco Platform in all this process and will participate jointly with the MA in specific activities to collaborate with several of the topics discussed and analyzed in the most recent meeting; to contribute to the promotion, renewal and promotion of coconut production at the national level.    

More Information:  Héctor Garibaldis Pérez,  Agribusiness Specialist                           


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