Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA-DR supports project proposal on sustainable livestock and greenhouse gas sequestration

Cambio climático

IICA-DR supports project proposal on sustainable livestock and greenhouse gas sequestration

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

This proposal contributes to the country´s efforts to identify mitigation and adaptation mechanisms for climate change

Final report presentation of the project proposal to the
Technical Committee.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, July 30, 2018 (IICA). As part of the commitments assumed by IICA within the framework of the project Catalyzing a multi-sectoral program to support water and soil management in the face of the threat of climate change in the Dominican Republic, a project proposal that promotes sustainable livestock and greenhouse gas sequestration was finalized and delivered successfully to the National Council for the Development and Regulation of the Dairy Industry (CONALECHE).

The project proposal, titled “Sustainable Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction in Dairy Farms of Azua, Barahona, Bahoruco and San Juan de la Maguana”, aims to promote sustainable livestock production in the Dominican Republic, by including measures, processes and application of livestock technologies that contribute to the sustainability of the sector and the reduction of emissions, and their effect on climate change.

This emission-reduction strategy was developed by a national consultant with experience in livestock issues, and funded by IICA through the Rapid Response Action (ARR) instrument, within the framework of the aforementioned project which is implemented along with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO), and other institutions of the agricultural sector.

The formulation of this proposal involved several technical coordination meetings between the consultant, CONALECHE and IICA, as well as field visits to projects that are promoting sustainable livestock practices in the country. Due to the importance of the Southern region, CONALECHE authorities expressed their interest that this proposal was oriented to be implemented in this region.


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, 



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