The international specialist Daniel Rodríguez gave a keynote speech to the participants

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 2018 (IICA). Every two years, graduates of the Zamorano University, located in Honduras, meet to exchange knowledge, practices and new technologies as a means to maintain the «zamorana» fellowship that unites more than 7,000 Alumni scattered across all continents.
This year, the XXXII International Convention of «Zamoranos» Alumni was held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, and IICA was invited to present the keynote address on Bioeconomy by Mr. Daniel Rodríguez, International Specialist of IICA. During the presentation, Mr. Rodríguez shared with the participants the vision of IICA in this emerging theme and the commitment of Dr. Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, to respond to more sustainable solutions for agriculture, one of the most compelling challenges that countries currently face. Likewise, he made a thorough review of the actions and benefits that the bioeconomy represents and how it represents a strategy that can be implemented in the short term by all the actors of the agro-productive chains.

«This is a significant contribution to break paradigms and find ways to innovate with a more sustainable vision and consistent with the demands demanded by the markets,» said Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic, who is also a Alumni of the Zamorano University, at the end of the event.
More Information: Frank Lam
Representative IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic