Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agronegocios Biotecnología Cambio climático

IICA identifies new partners to provide technical cooperation in the Dominican Republic

Agronegocios Biotecnología Cambio climático

IICA identifies new partners to provide technical cooperation in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

These meetings were held with the aim of implementing the 2018 – 2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP) of IICA

Gina Rosario explaining the mission and vision of IICA to the Board
of Directors of the FCHLT

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 2018 (IICA). During the month of September, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic held several meetings with different institutions to explore the possibility of technical cooperation in agricultural issues. These meetings were part of the implementation of the recently approved 2018 – 2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP) of IICA, under the direction of Dr. Manuel Otero, with the objective of expanding the portfolio of strategic IICA partners in the Dominican Republic.

A first meeting was held with the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), which expressed interest in identifying areas of cooperation with IICA in different initiatives and projects. In this meeting, some identified areas were reforestation, watershed conservation, commercialization, value added, sustainable livestock, among other topics, in different basins of the country.

Meeting with Azua producers and members
of the FCHLT Board of Directors

Similarly, the INDRHI facilitated a meeting between IICA and the Los Toros Hydroelectric Power Plant Fund (FCHLT) that operates in the province of Azua. The Los Toros Hydroelectric Plant is operated by the Dominican Hydroelectric Generation Company (EGEHID) and the Los Toros Fund is promoting and supporting the reforestation of the Tabara, Sajanoa and Peralta river basins by planting coffee plants. Both institutions explore the possibility of technical cooperation to support agricultural producers in the province of Azua in marketing, value added, post-harvest (packaging, processing), capacity building, among other areas

Technical staff of the IICA Delegation in the
Dominican Republic and Plan International
Dominican Republic

Another meeting held in September was with Plan International Dominican Republic, where the IICA technical staff explored opportunities for technical cooperation on gender and youth issues in the agricultural sector. During the meeting, both institutions shared their mission and vision, as well as the different projects and initiatives carried out, with the objective of identifying synergies and opportunities for technical cooperation

Technical staff of the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic and Plan International Dominican Republic



More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, 


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