Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Agronegocios Mercados agropecuarios

IICA offers a workshop on agricultural chains to producers in the Province of Azua

Agricultura Agronegocios Mercados agropecuarios

IICA offers a workshop on agricultural chains to producers in the Province of Azua

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

“An agricultural production chain is the series of steps that an agricultural product goes through from its production to its sale, through harvest, post-harvest, packaging, transport, storage, processing, mar-keting and finally the consumer”

Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep., July 2019 (IICA). With the participation of more than 30 agricultural producers, representatives of different organizations that are grouped together by the Provincial Council for Agricultural Development (COPRODA), the IICA office offered a Workshop on “Identification and prioritization of agricultural chains to producers of the Province of Azua “in the Dominican Republic.

This workshop aimed to contribute to the strengthening of the productive capacities of those present, through the application of economic and management tools to the economic organizations they represent, in order to achieve sustainability, as well as insertion social and economic

In the workshop, taught by the Agribusiness Specialist Héctor Garibaldis Pérez, the topics of agricultural production chain, value chain and its approaches and the linking of chains in the markets were discussed. In addition, workgroups were conducted, where the producers managed to identify and prioritize the main agricultural chains of their organizations, based on the levels of income they receive and the commercial dynamics of the organization itself in regional markets, domestic and export.

With this activity, IICA seeks to make available to rural producer organizations, tools for participants to make an updated diagnosis on the evolution of the key elements of the chain under analysis, identify comparative advantages and competitive and determine the added value generated in each link and its socio-economic importance in the territory.


Más Información: Héctor Garibaldis Pérez, Especialista en Agronegocios,



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