Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA Organizes Training Workshop For Extension Agents Of The Ministry Of Agriculture

Cambio climático

IICA Organizes Training Workshop For Extension Agents Of The Ministry Of Agriculture

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The participants were extension agents from the eight regional departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and other institutions that constitutes the National Soil Conservation System (SNCS).


Mr. Frank Lam. Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic.
The Vice Ministers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and
Natural Resources and the Representative of FAO in the Country are observed.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 2017 (IICA). The IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic organized the “Training Workshop for Extension Agents of the Ministry of Agriculture for the implementation of the National Soil Conservation Service (SNCS)”, which took place from 18-22 September, 2017. This event was organized under the project “Catalyzing a Multi-sectoral Program to Support Water and Soil Management in light of Climate Change in the Dominican Republic.”

The event was aimed to strengthen the technical capacities of the extension service of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate for Livestock through the transfer of knowledge on sustainable management of natural resources with a watershed approach, as a technical platform to implement the SNCS.

The workshop program covered five training modules, namely: adult education and learning methodology, soil and water conservation, watershed management, agroforestry and sustainable livestock farming.

This program is being financed through a Rapid Response Action (ARR) from the IICA, which assumes this project as a commitment to support the Extension Service of the Ministry of Agriculture. This workshop for extension agents will serve as a tool to replicate this knowledge with the other agents in their respective regions where they must train at least 152 extension agents at the national level. Subsequently, these agents will be committed to transfer this knowledge to the producers.

View of Extension Technicians participating in the workshop and
special guests, representatives of institutions.














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