Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA participates in the Launch of the “Campo Limpio RD” Program


IICA participates in the Launch of the “Campo Limpio RD” Program

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The program has an investment of RD $ 100 million to regulate and establish the implementation mechanisms for the collection and final disposal of empty containers of pesticides and related products

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May 2019 (IICA).  On May 17, the Ministry of Agriculture (MA-RD), the Association of Manufacturers, Representatives and Importers of Products for the Protection of Crops, Inc. (AFIPA), the National Association of Importers of Agricultural Products (ANIMPA) and the Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD), launched the program “Campo Limpio” which includes 10 large collection centers and another 100 mini centers in different parts of the country.

Mr. Osmar Benítez, Minister of Agriculture, announced that the Ministry will build the first collection center as soon as possible, thus promoting the fulfillment of the obligation of triple washing of empty containers, as well as their subsequent collection and transfer to collection centers will be established throughout the country. The Minister indicated that the Government, through Agriculture, seeks to strengthen the health and safety of food as the first pillar of its commitment to society to increase the participation of the food supply consumed by the people and promote greater volume and value of exports agricultural and agroindustrial.

For his part Mr. Heny Monsanto, President of AFIPA, indicated that in recent years more than 900 tons of empty containers have been collected in the country, and that this program contemplates the training of thousands of farmers in good agricultural practices to guarantee the safety in agricultural production.

Meanwhile, the president of ANIMPA, said that the public and private sectors have agreed to work for the good of the environment, rivers, seas, population and future generations.

To the activity, carried out in the Ministry of Agriculture, were present representatives of international organizations such as IICA, FAO and OIRSA, among others, which provided technical support for the implementation of this project. Also participating were, CropLife Latin America, which provide technical support and training to associations on the proper use of waste from empty materials.


More Information: Gina Rosario, Especialista en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Recursos Naturales,



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