Dr. Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, Minister of Public Health, said: «The prevention of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence implies changes in the models of health control and the improvement of public policies»

Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, April 2019 (IICA). Last Thursday, a symposium was held with the name of «Prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in Central America and the Dominican Republic: From Biology to Public Policies», within the framework of the LXIX Regular Meeting of the Council Director of the Nutrition Institute of Central America and Panama (INCAP).
The activity that integrated government representatives, non-governmental organizations, civil society, international organizations, academies and research institutes, aimed to present an academic scientific space where the risks for the development and analysis were exposed and analyzed from a life course approach. Development of overweight and obesity and the necessary interventions for the prevention of this epidemic in childhood and adolescence. Similarly, the importance of presenting scientific evidence to support public policies that are urgently needed to strengthen responses to the epidemic of overweight and obesity in the Central American region and the Dominican Republic was presented.
The experiences of different researches carried out by INCAP in Central America were presented, as well as the advances made in the Dominican Republic in nutrition and prevention issues, as well as the use of tools for evaluation and monitoring. The activity concluded with the posthumous tribute to Mr. Anselmo Aburto Araica and the recognition of INCAP to professionals who have cooperated with INCAP in the efforts to achieve a healthy and sustainable diet.
More Information: Gaudy Suzaña, SAIA, gaudy.suzana@iica.int