The GTI has the mission of coordinating the compliance actions of the Dominican Republic with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2019 (IICA). In April, various government institutions, non-governmental organizations, producers’ associations and international cooperation agencies met in Cambita, San Cristóbal to participate in the regular meeting of the Inter-Institutional Technical Group (GTI), specifically at the Cluster offices of the Dominican Avocado in Cambita (CDA).
Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the GIT coordinates and articulates actions to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.
In the framework of this meeting, the current situation of land degradation and drought was reported, as well as dialogues between different actors to promote inter-institutional cooperation, while motivating the implementation of integrating strategies. Similarly, a presentation was made on the causes of land degradation and the implications for land use, as well as interactive activities among the participants

The President of the Avocado Cluster also offered a brief explanation of the Cluster, its members and some figures on the cultivation and export of avocado. Then, the group moved to an avocado production farm where they explained the varieties planted, marketing markets, soil conservation techniques, and the challenges faced by avocado growers. The meeting ended with a tour of the facilities.
More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Climate Change, Agriculture and Natural Resources,