Two public hearings were held in Santo Domingo and Santiago de los Caballeros to cover the basins that will be intervened in the framework of the project

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 2018 (IICA). In February 2018, the IICA Dominican Republic Delegation participated in the public hearings held as part of the formulation of the project «Integrated Management of Natural Resources and Resilient Agriculture in the Yaque del Norte and Ozama-Isabela Basins in the Dominican Republic». Two events were held to cover the two basins that will be intervened in the framework of the project: Yaque del Norte and Ozama-Isabela.
The purpose of the public hearings was to present the project’s objectives to the community and civil society organizations that operate in the project’s intervention zones, as well as to present the social and environmental safeguard policies required by the World Bank, which will finance this project through a loan to the Dominican Republic.
The public hearing corresponding to the Yaque del Norte basin was held in Santiago de los Caballeros on February 5, 2018, while in Santo Domingo, the activity was carried out on February 7 for the Ozama-Isabela basin. Both events had the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (INAPA) and the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI).
Both activities were convened by the Water Resource Coordination Board of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), which serves as a focal point for the formulation of the project.
This project seeks to reverse the degradation of natural resources in the Yaque del Norte and Ozama-Isabela basins, as well as to reduce poverty and food insecurity in the project’s intervention area.
More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change,