Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA-RD educates young leaders on agriculture and climate change

Cambio climático

IICA-RD educates young leaders on agriculture and climate change

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

IICA is highly committed to the dissemination of knowledge to increase the capacities of sustainable agriculture

Gina Rosario talks about the effects of climate change in agriculture

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2018 (IICA). With the aim to promote knowledge management on cross-cutting issues in the agricultural sector, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic gave a series of talks during the month of March on the effects of climate change on agricultural production in the Dominican Republic.

On a first occasion, Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change at the IICA Dominican Republic gave a talk on “Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change in the Dominican Republic” on March 13, 2018. In the presentation, she addressed the main effects of climate change and its consequences in the agricultural sector. She also presented some examples of the impacts caused by some meteorological events in the Dominican agricultural production, and the way forward to address this phenomenon.

Amadeo Escarramán answering a question
from the audience

Likewise, a second talk was given under the topic “Challenges of coffee production in the face of a changing climate”, by Amadeo Escarramán, Project Coordinator of the “Dominican Republic Component of the Integrated Program for Roya Management in Central America (PROCAGICA-RD)”. In this presentation, Mr. Escarramán presented an overview of coffee production at the national and international level, including consumption and prices. The second part of the presentation focused on the challenges and threats that climate change represents for the coffee sector. Mr. Escarramán pointed out the Roya plague on coffee production as a consequence of climate change and the efforts that are being made within the framework of PROCAGICA-RD to counteract this plague in the Dominican Republic

Gina Rosario explains basic climate change
concepts to the students

Additionally, on March 22, 2018, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic attended the invitation made by the Loyola Polytechnic Institute, in San Cristóbal, to give a talk under the topic “Climate Change and Agricultural Production in the Dominican Republic” to agronomy and agricultural engineering students of the Institute. The talk was given by Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change of IICA Dominican Republic who presented the basic concepts on climate change and its effects on agricultural production in the Dominican Republic. At the end of the talk, Ms. Rosario urged students to empower themselves on the subject and to promote small actions in their respective communities to address the issue.

Lastly, on March 27, Gina Rosario shared information on the topic of resilient agriculture to address the challenges of climate variability with members of the Graduate Association of the Pan-American Agricultural School – Zamorano, Dominican Republic Chapter.


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, 


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