Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Mujeres Recursos Naturales

The IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic develops Projects in favor of Rural Development

Mujeres Recursos Naturales

The IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic develops Projects in favor of Rural Development

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep., august 2019 (IICA).  Within the framework of the project Promoting sustainable solutions for adaptation to climate for the expansion of the green portfolio and inclusion of rural women entrepreneurs, which in run by Safe and Credit bank, ADOPEN S.A, with the financing of the Technical Center for agricultural and rural Cooperation (CTA), IICA is developing a training program in the south and southwest areas of the country on the formation of standards and demands of agricultural markets.

In the agreement signed between IICA and the Adopem Bank, both institutions agree to join efforts to identify the commercialization potential of the main areas that occur in the South and Southwest areas of the Dominican Republic, comprised by the provinces of San Cristóbal, Peravia, San José de Ocoa, Barahona, Bahoruco, Elías Piña, Independencia and Pedernales, to establish the parameters and requirements that meet national and international market standards.

In the same order, IICA, in the same way, has signed an agreement with the Canadian Embassy in the Dominican Republic, to implement the project “Empowerment of rural women in Bio-entrepreneurship”, within the framework of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. The project aims to strengthen the capacities of 75 rural women in the Enriquillo region, through the development of a training plan and the establishment of a learning model of agricultural production (bioenterprises), with a climate change adaptation approach and sustainable water management.

 With the implementation of these projects, IICA provides its technical capabilities to contribute to the rural development of the Dominican Republic


More Information: Héctor Garibaldis Pérez, Agribusiness Specialist.



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