Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Representation participates in Fair Good Practices in Drought: Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Emergency


IICA Representation participates in Fair Good Practices in Drought: Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Emergency

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


IICA Representation participates in Fair Good Practices in Drought: Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Emergency


IICA Representation participates in Fair Good Practices in Drought: Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Emergency

The Good Practices in the Drought Context: Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Emergency Fair was organized under the ECHO Resilience to Drought Project in the Dominican Republic and prior to the celebration of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought ( June 17) organized by FAO, WFP, OXFAM and Plan Internacional, which are in the form of a consortium and are financed by the European Union (EU).

This activity was carried out on Friday 16 and Saturday, June 17, 2017 in the Southwest University Center of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in San Juan de la Maguana and a series of conferences and exhibitions of initiatives and Projects executed by different institutions on the subject of Drought, Natural Resources and Climate Change.

The words of welcome to the event were given by Architect Hanoi Sanchez, Mayor of the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, who called on the commitment that every citizen should have in the care and preservation of natural resources and Effects of climate change. The opening words were then addressed by Mr. Antonio Matarranz, representing Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, who addressed the work developed by this Ministry in the protection and safeguarding of Natural Resources; Together with other public and private institutions; As well as with the support of cooperation agencies such as IICA and FAO.

The representative of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), was in charge of Mr. José Alarcón Mella, who is also the Coordinator of the Water Group of this ministry, of which IICA is a permanent member and is integrated by different public and private institutions.


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