Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agronegocios Comercio

IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic offers a lecture in the Certificate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic

Agronegocios Comercio

IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic offers a lecture in the Certificate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The Institute of Higher Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training “Dr. Eduardo Latorre Rodríguez”, former Diplomatic and Consular School, is the academic body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, responsible for the training, updating and specializing the personnel of the Foreign Service of the country

Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic,
while presenting at the Certificate Program.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November, 2017 (IICA). At the end of October, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic received a cordial invitation from the Institute of Higher Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training “Dr. Eduardo Latorre Rodríguez” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic (MIREX), within the Certificate Program “Update in Contemporary Diplomacy” addressed to officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative gave a keynote address where he shared the mission and vision of the IICA, as well as its Medium Term Plan (PMP 2014 – 2018) and the IICA Strategy in the Country (EIP) to more than 30 participants of the Certificate Program.

With such event, the institutional links between IICA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic were strengthened, highlighting the importance of IICA’s role as a technical cooperation agency and its support for the Dominican agricultural sector.


More information: Frank Lam,

                                 IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic




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