This activity is part of the training program that seeks to improve the knowledge of coffee technicians for the recovery of productivity, through management of agroforestry systems

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 2019, (IICA). From June 19 to 23, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), together with the Tropical Agronomic Center for Teaching Research (CATIE), facilitated the workshop on soil management and pruning workshop in agroforestry systems with coffee, within the framework of the activities of the Component for the Dominican Republic of the Central American Program for the Integral Management of Coffee Roya, (PROCAGICA-RD).
The objective of the training was to develop knowledge of the technicians of the Dominican Coffee Institute (INDOCAFE) on soil management and pruning strategy in coffee agroforestry systems. Rolando Cerda, specializing in the Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Education (CATIE) and the specialist Mirna Barrios, a Nicaraguan specialist, participated as facilitators. The activity was carried out in the province of San Juan and Jarabacoa with the participation of 25 and 30 technicians respectively.
This activity is part of the training program that will continue during 2019 and that seeks to improve the knowledge of coffee technicians for the recovery of productivity, through the implementation of appropriate agroforestry systems management tools.
More information: Unidad Coordinadora de Proyectos (UCP), PROCAGICA-RD,