Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Mercados agropecuarios

MGSD and FENACERD, with support from IICA prepare a project proposal

Mercados agropecuarios

MGSD and FENACERD, with support from IICA prepare a project proposal

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The MGSD focuses on a co-management model for the markets, where the City Council is responsible for the allocation of spaces, collection of rent and jointly with public and private institutions, implementing regulations, security and the proper functioning of a net


Dominican Republic, August 22, 2017 (IICA).  In continuity to the sessions of work that for some months have developed the Commonwealth of Gran Santo Domingo (MGSD), the National Federation of Merchants and Businessmen of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD) and the Mayors belonging to the MGSD; With the technical collaboration of IICA, are in the preparation phase of a project proposal on Food Safety and Food Safety in the Markets of the Greater Santo Domingo of the Dominican Republic.

Sessions of work in the offices of the MGSD

This project proposal, which addresses issues such as management and governance, associativity of agricultural producers supplying, a training program on the production chain, value chain, consumer rights and duties and the remodeling and design of infrastructures and / or Equipment; Seeks to respond to the state of neglect, neglect, insalubrity and disorder that present the different markets of the municipalities that make up the MGSD.

 In the last work session held on August 22, 2017 and in which the representatives of FENACERD, Mayors of different Municipalities and Municipal Districts participated, Executive Director of MGSD; IICA presented the first draft of the contents of the proposal, with the objective of socializing it and complementing it with the opinions and observations of the participants.

Mayors and institutional representatives involved











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