Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Agricultura familiar

Ministry of Agriculture begins the implementation of the Family Farming Plan

Agricultura Agricultura familiar

Ministry of Agriculture begins the implementation of the Family Farming Plan

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Minister of Agriculture Engineer Osmar Benítez and Engineer Frank Lam, Representative IICA RD agreed to join efforts to move forward the Family Farming Plan

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 2019 (IICA).  The Ministry of Agriculture recognized Family Farming in 2016 through Resolution No. RES-MA-2016, with the aim of formulating differentiated public policies in favor of family farmers. This resolution also establishes that Family Farming is “a system of production in which agricultural and non-agricultural activities are carried out, in a given territory, where the management, income and work of the productive unit is characterized mainly by family ties and occasionally employs hired labor”.

At the end of February, the Ministry of Agriculture, who chairs the Advisory Council on Family Farming, convened a meeting to initiate the implementation of the Family Farming Plan that resulted from a broad consultation process at the national level through activities in the eight regional ones of the Ministry of Agriculture. This plan includes nine strategic areas that range from extension, training and research to supporting infrastructure and communication services to support production.

IICA participates in the Advisory Council of Family Farming since the beginning of this process, as a technical adviser and expects a high level of involvement of experts from the Territorial Development and Family Agriculture Program in the country.

Finally, within the Advisory Council on Family Farming, an announcement was made that the Dominican Republic will host the International Seminar on Family Farming in July at the request of Mr. Graciano da Silva, FAO Director General to His Excellency Mr. the Dominican Republic, Lic. Danilo Medina.


More information: Frank Lam, Representative in the Dominican Republic,



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