The project promotes agro-tourism products as a rural development strategy contributing to the incorporation of new income models to agricultural areas

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May 2019 (IICA). The Dominican Republic Component of the Central American Program for the Integral Management of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD), in follow-up to the Agribusiness and Associations Strengthening Plan, held the fourth workshop on coffee market and marketing, which was carried out from August 27 to 28 at the facilities of the Center for Integral Youth and Family Training (CEFIJUFA) with the participation of leaders of coffee producing organizations that are part of the PROCAGICA-RD and technicians of the Dominican Coffee Institute (INDOCAFE).
This workshop aimed to improve the capacities of managers of coffee organizations and support technicians in the design to improve the capacities of managers of coffee organizations and support technicians in the formulation and implementation of marketing plans of coffee for beneficiary organizations.
More information: Unidad Coordinadora de Proyectos (UCP), PROCAGICA-RD,