The institutional management of IICA, according to the PMP 2014-2018

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 2017 (IICA). The institutional management of IICA, according to the PMP 2014-2018, is based on several lines of action and one of them is «IICA’s Responsibility to the Environment», with which the Institute seeks to intensify environmental awareness campaigns aimed at its officials, through which stimulates the rational use of energy, water and consumables, as well as the development of projects related to recycling, waste management and the use of new energy sources.
This Representation, based on this institutional policy, develops the good practice of placing trays and boxes in the office areas to place the printed paper to be recycled or rejected, practices the rationalization of electric energy and drinking water; as well as the food and fuel of the vehicles; It also has placed in the dining area zafones identified for the management of solid waste, and motivates and educates the staff to comply with this environmental responsibility.
IICA in the Dominican Republic is also developing an Emergency Plan and has developed several activities framed in it, ranging from a training program, prevention, control and fire protection, giving talks and conducting a drill in the yard with all personnel, equipment and extinguishers acquired to be located in each of the office areas occupied by this Representation and the appropriate use in cases of fire. The equipment also includes transport equipment / vehicles.

Continuing with the placement of signs with evacuation routes, in offices, corridors, stairs and a meeting point in the parking area, in cases of earthquakes and other emergencies. Informative material has also been distributed on how to act and take precautionary measures and ensure first of all, human life, followed by animals and finally material goods.
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