Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Sanidad agropecuaria

Representation IICA RD receives Compliance Review Mission Quarantine Project

Sanidad agropecuaria

Representation IICA RD receives Compliance Review Mission Quarantine Project

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


Representation IICA RD receives Compliance Review Mission Quarantine Project

A Compliance Review was conducted by the USDA July  17th  to 21st 2017, the mission led by Mrs. Katina F. Cooper, a specialist from USDA – FAS reviewed the project “Strengthening of the International Quarantine Haiti / Dominican Republic», which was executed by IICA Delegations in Haiti and the Dominican Republic from 2011-2016.


Representation IICA RD receives Compliance Review Mission Quarantine Project

A Compliance Review was conducted by the USDA July  17th  to 21st 2017, the mission led by Mrs. Katina F. Cooper, a specialist from USDA – FAS reviewed the project “Strengthening of the International Quarantine Haiti / Dominican Republic», which was executed by IICA Delegations in Haiti and the Dominican Republic from 2011-2016.

Two officials from the IICA Delegation in Haiti: Mrs. Viviane Philippe and Ms. Magaly Noel, Administrator and Accountant respectively, participated in the mission. In addition, the IICA Representative in Haiti, Dr. Abiola Abimbola joined the mission on Monday July 17th. 

The team of the IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic was composed of Mr. Frank Lam, Representative, Fior D Aliza García, Administrator, Yrian Alvarez, Contadora and Rosanna Batista, Assistant General Services.

Prior to Mrs. Cooper’s visit, the teams from both countries and with the support of IICA Headquarters worked in a coordinated manner to submit the information requested by the USDA-FAS mission.

On Friday, July 21st  2017, Mrs. Katina Cooper’s Exit Notes were received which includes the principal findings of the mission, observations and recommendations; concluding with the congratulations to this Representation for the order, transparency, internal control and professionalism during the implementation of the project and during the compliance review process as well as for the support received by both delegations.


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