Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


The role of rural women is becoming more important in the family economy


The role of rural women is becoming more important in the family economy

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

IICA made a global recognition to the contributions of women in rural social, economic and family development

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 2018 (IICA). Along with the IICA Offices in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic celebrated, on October 16, the International Day of Rural Women with the participation of delegates from various public and private sector institutions of the Dominican Republic linked to the agricultural and rural sector.

During the event, Dr. Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, highlighted the role and contribution that rural women make to the family economy. Likewise, several personalities from all corners of the region joined the recognition that IICA made through the publication of the book: «Fighters – Rural Women in the World», where the Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Mrs. Margarita Cedeño wrote a piece emphasizing the actions that the Dominican government implement in  the promotion of family farming, professional training, agricultural production, cooperativism and financial inclusion, in order to improve the living conditions of rural women.

The IICA Office in the Dominican Republic emphasized the institutional commitment with the Dominican agricultural sector which will further characterized by a gender perspective in its technical cooperation agenda.


More Information: Frank Lam

Representative IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic



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