«Only a coordinated work among the institutions, it will allow rural women to have a better life» said Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic during his intervention at the opening of the event

Barhona, Dominican Republic, April 2019 (IICA). As part of the Annual National Strategic Plan (ANSP) of the Dominican Republic IICA Delegation, at the end of April, IICA participated in the Regional Meeting of the Network of Rural Women of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLac) in the city of Barahona, south from the country.
The Provincial Governor, Mr. Pedro Peña Rubio, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Women, IICA and FAO headed the meeting that gathered more than 50 international delegates who expressed their commitment to make visible the role of rural women and its empowerment towards the sustainable development of the region.
This activity is part of the process of building a cooperation agenda of IICA Dominican Republic to support rural Dominican women in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Women.
Among the agreements of the meeting, RedLac asked the international organizations, linked to rurality, to establish a Rural Leadership Training School in the Dominican Republic to strengthen their personal, professional and technical skills in this important sector and key actor in the development territorial rural.
More information: Frank Lam, Representative IICA Dominican Republic, frank.lam@iica.int