Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático Mujeres

Solid waste recycling and reuse, and gender equity plan identify the Delegation of IICA in the Dominican Republic

Cambio climático Mujeres

Solid waste recycling and reuse, and gender equity plan identify the Delegation of IICA in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Thanks to recycling, the disuse of potentially useful materials is prevented, the consumption of new raw material is reduced, as well as reducing the use of energy, air and water pollution; as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to the production of plastics

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2018 (IICA). The institutional management of IICA, according to the Medium Term Plan (MTP) 2014-2018, is based on several lines of action and one of them is the «IICA responsibility with the environment», where IICA seeks to intensify the campaigns of environmental awareness directed to its staff, through which it stimulates the rational use of energy, water and consumables, as well as the development of projects related to recycling, waste management and the use of new energy sources.

Based on this institutional policy, as of March 2016 and in an uninterrupted manner, this Delegation develops the practice of placing trays for the paper recycling and reuse in all the work areas, the practice of the rationalization of energy, potable water and the non-use of bottled water in plastic containers; as well as the reduction in the use of fuel in vehicles. Also, garbage dumps identified for the classification of waste have been placed in the dining area and personnel are regularly trained and sensitized to comply with this environmental responsibility. Likewise, to create an environmental awareness, not only in the staff of the Delegation, but also to extend it to the rest of the families, for 2018, it has been scheduled the first “IICA DR Institutional Tree Planting” in the Dominican Republic

Another of the actions that identify the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic is the inclusion of a gender perspective in the hiring of Local Professional Personnel (PPL) and General Services Personnel (PSG) in order to make visible and correct the gender inequalities and inequities; assuming the commitment to eliminate and transform gender relations and promote the participation of women and contribute to institutional modernization.

As an example of this, the Delegation has a staff of 17 members (including PPI, PPL and PSG) and is distributed as follows: 10 women (59%) and 7 men (41%); which evidences a strengthening and important attention in the matters of gender and the institutional development.


More information: Gina Rosario, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change


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