Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


SRI IICA-FONTAGRO Project in the Dominican Republic initiates its third validation cycle


SRI IICA-FONTAGRO Project in the Dominican Republic initiates its third validation cycle

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Within the activities contemplated in the Project “Cultivate more with less: Adaptation, Validation and Promotion of the System Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Americas as a response to the climatic change», it was started the third cycle of rice cultivation in the Dominican Republic which it is envisaged to evaluate the variables specified in the Protocol of Adaptation and Validation of this interesting production system.

Within the activities contemplated in the Project “Cultivate more with less: Adaptation, Validation and Promotion of the System Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Americas as a response to the climatic change», it was started the third cycle of rice cultivation in the Dominican Republic which it is envisaged to evaluate the variables specified in the Protocol of Adaptation and Validation of this interesting production system.

In this cycle, three (3) plots of one hectare were established in which ½ ha is allocated  for the conventional planting system and another ½ ha for the SRI technology. These parcels are located in Juma, Province of Bonao and Ranchito,  Province of La Vega.

The implementation of this project has been agreed under a consortium composed of the Dominican Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Research (IDIAF) and the National Council of Agricultural and Forestry Research (CONIAF), in coordination with the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic.

The SRI technology aims to cultivate rice under irrigation favoring a loose and oxygenated soil instead of a flooded soil and 100% hypoxic. Individual plants are grown with wide distances and with a defined square pattern. This system increases performance while reducing production costs, water consumption and methane emissions.

The objective of this project is to validate in the Dominican Republic and Colombia (where it is also implemented) this innovative approach to reduce the vulnerability of small rice producers to the biophysical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change.


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