Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Mercados agropecuarios

Strategy articulation between IICA – MGSD and FENACERD

Mercados agropecuarios

Strategy articulation between IICA – MGSD and FENACERD

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


Strategy articulation between IICA – MGSD and FENACERD


Strategy articulation between IICA – MGSD and FENACERD

With the objective of joining efforts to address food security and food safety in the markets of the Gran Santo Domingo,  the Commonwealth of Gran Santo Domingo (MGSD), the Municipal Mayors, the National Federation of Merchants and Businessmen of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD) and with the technical leadership of IICA, several meetings have been held to discuss the design of plans and proposals aimed at solving these problems.

During several sessions, the IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Frank Lam participated in different working meetings with the presence of the Director of the MGSD, Mr. Onofres Rojas, the President of FENACERD, Mr. Manuel Ortiz Tejada, the Mr. Radhamés Castro, Mayor of the Municipality of Boca Chica and in Representation of Mr. Francisco Peña, Mayor of Santo Domingo Oeste, Mrs. Maribel Abreu Tavárez; among others.

The state of abandonment, neglect, insalubrity and disorder presented by the different markets of the Municipalities that compose the Commonwealth of Gran Santo Domingo is a priority concern for the Mayors and these institutions and through the collaboration and technical support of IICA.

Both the FENACERD which represents all the participants in these markets and the  municipalities that manage them, express their enthusiasm to IICA, MGSD and other public and private sector institutions to address this important issue in a sustainable way that can serve as a model for other municipalities of the country and achieve the empowerment of the residents of these commercial plazas.


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