Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Sanidad agropecuaria

Terms of reference for consultancy

Sanidad agropecuaria

Terms of reference for consultancy

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Development of a National Food Control Manual and Document outlining gaps and overlaps in the Jamaican food safety system


Today’s global food market has placed the onus on Governments to undertake the regulatory responsibility of ensuring that the food being traded within or outside their borders is safe for consumption. In Jamaica, there is no single ministry or agency responsible for coordinating Jamaica’s food safety programme. The responsibility for the food safety programme is shared by the ministries with responsibility for Agriculture, Health, Industry, and Commerce, and their respective department/divisions or agencies.

As a result of this fragmentation of activities, there are a number of areas in which there might be duplication of effort facilitated by the Ministries/Departments and Agencies involved, due to the legislations under which they operate. In keeping with international best practice and for ease of communicating with international trading partners, there is need to document the integrated institutional arrangements that govern this process in Jamaica.

The objective of the consultancy is to develop a Manual for the Official Controls of food safety.

In 2013, the Cabinet of Jamaica approved the National Food Safety Policy and Implementation Plan, which provides the framework for the management of the food safety system in Jamaica. As such, the policy provides a guide to documenting the regulatory control of food from farm to fork to include imported food. The building blocks of this food control system should include the:

  1. Food laws and regulations
  2. Food control management
  3. Inspection services
  4. Laboratory services (food monitoring and epidemiological data)
  5. Information, education, communication and training


Objective of the Consultancy

Develop a Manual for the Official Controls of food safety. The Food Control Manual will clearly outline the functions of the food safety regulatory agencies along the food chain from conception to consumption and imported foods.

Additionally, the consultancy will utilize information gained from the development of the Food Control Manual to update the 2010 study on the Jamaican food safety system, authored by Mr. Winston McCalla. The review will provide advice on best practices in light of the deficiencies identified in the McCalla study and assess the progress achieved since the approval of the National Food Safety Policy and Implementation Plan. The review will also recommend actions to be undertaken to enable compliance with the National Food Safety Policy requirements.


Responsibilities of the Consultant

1. Write a manual outlining the official control system for food safety in Jamaica, which will provide details of the tasks, responsibilities and duties of each of the regulatory agencies in ensuring that locally produced and imported food is safe for human consumption. Reference should also be made to agricultural inputs, such as feed, pharmaceuticals, and agro-chemicals (such as pesticides). The manual should be user-friendly or easily read by various stakeholders (commercial entities and consumers). Development of the manual will require the following:

  1. Review of documentation on the existing food safety system, previous consultancy reports, existing manuals and guidelines relating to food control (local, regional and international such as the FAO food control manual), and national standards and policies relating to food
  2. Consultations with representatives of Ministries, departments and agencies with responsibility for food safety


2. Based on the information gathered in deliverable 1 (above), provide an update on the gaps and overlaps in the existing framework, systems and procedures related to regulating food safety, as outlined in the 2010 Winston McCalla study. The update will review progress in relation to the National Food Safety Policy and Implementation Plan and recommend required actions to improve the management and coordination of the food chain, in keeping with the Policy. 


Consultant’s Qualifications

Skills and Knowledge:

Applicants shall, demonstrate a satisfactory level of competence the following areas:

  • Food Safety Management principles, methodologies and techniques
  • Knowledge of Government of Jamaica Policies and Procedures
  • An understanding of inter-sectoral collaborations
  • Knowledge of relevant laws and regulations 
  • Knowledge of regional and international best practice in food safety

Knowledge in food safety management should include the statutory and regulatory requirements relating to sanitary and phytosanitary measures, especially those relevant to phytosanitary aspects, chemical contaminants, food additives, pesticide & veterinary drug residues, microbial contaminants and food safety. This knowledge should also include the following aspects as appropriate: regional and international standards (such as CROSQ and Codex), contracts and agreements, licenses and permits.

  • Management Practices

Applicants shall demonstrate an understanding of Food Safety Management Systems and their integration and interaction with the policies of the Government of Jamaica. Applicants shall have knowledge of relevant management practices such as:

  • food safety management
  • planning and control
  • strategic management
  • production/operations management
  • management information systems
  • resource management
  • Excellent writing, presentation and communications skills



The applicant shall have a degree in Food Technology or Food Science or Public Health or other related disciplines


A Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety or equivalent qualification (Adequate work experience in the field will be an added consideration.)


Applicant shall have University education (recognized) in management studies/ general microbiology and food chemistry / public health related to specific sector.

Documentary evidence of the education claimed will be required



Past experience providing consultancy services in the food safety sector or prior undertaking of similar studies.




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