Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura orgánica

Validation Project on Intensive System of Rice Cultivation (SICA) finalizes its activities in the Dominican Republic

Agricultura orgánica

Validation Project on Intensive System of Rice Cultivation (SICA) finalizes its activities in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


Validation Project on Intensive System of Rice Cultivation (SICA) finalizes its activities in the Dominican Republic


Validation Project on Intensive System of Rice Cultivation (SICA) finalizes its activities in the Dominican Republic

With the completion of two field days in the three plots where the validations of the project «Growing more with less: Adaptation, validation and promotion of Intensive System of Cultivation Rice (SICA) in the Americas as a response to climate change» were established, Activities were completed for this year.

During three cycles, the principles and practices of this rice production system were validated in three demonstration plots, located in the Communities of Ranchito, La Vega and two other plots in Juma, Bonao Municipality, both in the north of the Dominican Republic.

In these plots were addressed the three components of the project; namely Component No. 1: «Validation of SICA technology in demonstration plots in the Dominican Republic and adapt the principles to the local context” where production principles were applied SICA compared to the form of production zone. In Component No. 2: «Mechanization to reduce costs Manpower» were acquired several machines used in the production process, as a filler substrates and distributing seeds in trays, for the germination process in seed; A planter planted according to the criteria of the SICA and a weeder for weed control. In Component No. 3: «social appropriation of knowledge and dissemination of innovation» were conducted two workshops on the principles and practices of SICA, field days, making a video to publicize the process for system implementation of production, elaboration of a SICA Methodological Guide, pending a regional exchange.

The cultivation and production of rice is of strategic importance for the food security of the dominican people. This is why the country, as a way of seeking alternatives and management and production mechanisms to achieve higher levels of production and equal quality of grain with the use of less input, has been, since 2015, supporting experimental development in the project country «Growing more with less: Adaptation, validation and promotion of Intensive Rice Farming System (SICA) in the Americas as a response to climate change.» This project, which was developed with FONTAGRO resources, is implemented in Colombia and in the Dominican Republic, ending in December 2017. In the Dominican Republic, the counterpart institution for its implementation is the Dominican Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Research (IDIAF) and the National Council of Agricultural Research (CONIAF).


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