Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Ángel Estévez and Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic to the Biovega Laboratory


Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Ángel Estévez and Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic to the Biovega Laboratory

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Ángel Estévez and Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic to the Biovega Laboratory


Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Ángel Estévez and Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the Dominican Republic to the Biovega Laboratory

The Minister of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Ángel Estévez, together with Mr. Frank Lam, Representative of IICA in the country, visited the Biovega Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture in the city of La Vega. In this tour, they observed the technological advances of in vitro production of plants, the high quality of the seeds of the cereal bioarroz and the advances of reproduction of the cattle.

In that sense, Mr. Frank Lam took the opportunity to emphasize that these innovations that are being carried out allow them to be more competitive with emerging markets, while at the same time they are able to improve production in all its fields and with more quality and harmless to the consumers which is a great advance for the country.


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