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  • Course opening ceremony

    SPS Cariforum Training Videos - Fishery Products Laboratory Testing

    The SPS project is one component of the 10th EDF SPS Programme titled: "Support to the Caribbean Forum of ACP States in the implementation of the Commitments Undertaken under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)".

    The outcomes of the SPS Project are intended to increase production and trade in agriculture and fisheries which meet international standards while protecting plant,animal and human health and the environment. 

    6 años ago
  • Continuation of histamine screening tests

    SPS Cariforum Training Videos - Fishery Products Laboratory Testing

    The SPS project is one component of the 10th EDF SPS Programme titled: "Support to the Caribbean Forum of ACP States in the implementation of the Commitments Undertaken under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)".

    The outcomes of the SPS Project are intended to increase production and trade in agriculture and fisheries which meet international standards while protecting plant,animal and human health and the environment. 

    6 años ago
  • Mensaje del Director General ante el Comité Ejecutivo

    Mensaje del Director General del IICA, Víctor M. Villalobos, ante el Comité Ejecutivo. El Director hace un repaso de su gestión, sistematiza los retos del agro y hace un llamado al fortalecimiento institucional. Julio, 2017.

    6 años ago
  • Tecnologias simplificadas de irrigação - Vasos de Argila

    Publicado el 13 jul. 2017

    Tecnologias simplificadas de irrigação - Vasos de Argila

    6 años ago
  • Agricultura familiar necessita de política baseada no Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável

    Publicado em 1 de dez de 2014

    O representante do IICA no Brasil, Manuel Otero, comenta conclusões do IX Fórum Internacional de Desenvolvimento Territorial e do I Seminário Internacional de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável.

    9 años ago
  • Momento de Intercâmbio debate juventude e políticas para o campo

    Publicado em 19 de set de 2014

    Suzana Valle Lima consultora NEAD-MDA/IICA realizou pesquisa sobre as políticas de acesso à terra no Brasil.

    9 años ago