Instituto Interamericano de Cooperação para a Agricultura


Captura de pantalla 2024-10-21 125613

Regional opinion leaders engage in discussions with Jack Bobo, recognized as the leading expert in science communication, on the ways to explain the irreplaceable role of agriculture and the importance of innovation

Jack Bobo, Director of the Food Systems Institute at the University of Nottingham, engaged in discussions with IICA’s Advisory Committee on Communication for Agriculture and Food Security, composed of journalists covering the sector and experts in public and institutional communication.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-21 125613

Líderes de opinião da região discutem com Jack Bobo, laureado como o maior especialista em comunicação da ciência, os caminhos para explicar o papel insubstituível da agricultura e a importância da inovação

Jack Bobo, Diretor do Instituto de Sistemas Alimentares da Universidade de Nottingham, no Reino Unido, conversou com o Comitê Assessor de Comunicação para a Agricultura e a Segurança Alimentar do IICA, integrado por jornalistas que cobrem o setor e especialistas em comunicação pública e institucional.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Professional technical schools in Costa Rica receive advanced technology to enhance agricultural and livestock education

More than 1,600 students benefited from the project "Relevance of Secondary Education in Science and the Environment in Rural Agricultural Communities of Costa Rica”.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Colégios técnicos profissionais da Costa Rica recebem tecnologia avançada para potencializar a educação agrícola e pecuária

Como parte do projeto “Pertinência da educação secundária de ciências e meio ambiente nas comunidades agrícolas rurais da Costa Rica” mais de 1600 estudantes foram beneficiados.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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IICA, Bayer, Microsoft, and GSMA, along with the Prime Minister of Barbados and the Secretary of Agriculture of Honduras, presented a report that calls for the expansion of connectivity in rural areas and the development of digital skills among family far

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados; Laura Suazo, Secretary of Agriculture of Honduras; Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA; Alejandra Castro, Vice President of International Affairs and Sustainability Strategy at Bayer; Lucas Gallitto, Director for Latin America at GSMA; Jorge Werthein, Special Advisor to the IICA Director General; Sandra Ziegler, IICA Specialist in Connectivity and Education and author of the study; Trigidia Jiménez, Bolivian Leader of Rurality recognized by IICA; Nancy Andrea Moreno Lozano, Head of the Directorate of Rural Women at Colombia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; and María Eduarda de Lima Vasconcelos, a 25-year-old rural woman and General Coordinator of Rural Youth at Brazil’s Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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IICA, Bayer, Microsoft e GMSA, junto com a Primeira-Ministra de Barbados e a Secretária de Agricultura de Honduras, lançam pesquisa que pede estender a conectividade nas zonas rurais e desenvolver habilidades digitais entre os agricultores familiares

A apresentação serviu para dar visibilidade ao papel protagonista que os jovens e as mulheres rurais realizam na incorporação das tecnologias digitais na agricultura familiar.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Rural women and youth take center stage in the integration of digital technologies into family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean, reveals study by IICA and partners Bayer, Microsoft, and GSMA

Through the dissemination of this research, IICA reaffirms its belief that technology and innovation must be at the heart of technical cooperation efforts. The goal is to generate knowledge for the formulation of public policies that improve living conditions in rural areas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Jovens e mulheres rurais são protagonistas no processo de incorporação de tecnologias digitais para a agricultura familiar da América Latina e do Caribe, revela pesquisa realizada pelo IICA com seus sócios Bayer, Microsoft e GSMA

Com a difusão desse estudo, o IICA ratifica sua convicção de que a tecnologia e a inovação devem estar no centro das ações de cooperação técnica.  O objetivo é gerar conhecimento para a formulação de políticas públicas que favorecem a melhora das condições de vida nas regiões rurais. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA, Bayer, Microsoft, GSMA, the Barbados Prime Minister and the Honduran Secretary of Agriculture will launch a study on rural connectivity, focusing on the role of women and youth in digital technology adoption in family farming.

The report presents the results of thirty-one interviews conducted in fourteen countries of the region and provides recommendations on the development of policies for the public and private sectors to foster the incorporation of digital technologies in family farming.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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