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  • Guardemos bien el maíz

    Técnicas de almacenamiento en silo metálico de maíz. Promovido por el P4P en Guatemala.

    9 years ago
  • La agricultura en República Dominicana

    Conozca el sector agrícola de República Dominicana

    8 years ago
  • Frijol de Segunda (Q´eqchi´)

    Resultado del programa Compras para el Progreso ejecutado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos con apoyo del IICA

    8 years ago
  • IICA Canada 2015 Panel Discussion - “Engaging Youth Today to Feed the World Tomorrow”

    IICA Canada hosted a panel discussion to explore the topic “Engaging Youth Today to Feed the World Tomorrow”. IICA has identified the engagement of youth in agriculture as a cross cutting theme in its 2014-2018 Medium Term Plan (MTP). One of the starkest realities facing agriculture in some countries is the extensive migration of farmers into other economic activities or non-agricultural regions. This is especially true of young people moving to cities to explore other opportunities.

    8 years ago
  • Escuelas de campo en ganadería sostenible

    Conozca una metodología que ha fortalecido el sector agrícola en la provincia de Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

    8 years ago
  • IICA Barbados Youth Farm Programme

    Pilot project to engage youth in agriculture. 

    11 years ago