Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Sixteen key messages that united the countries of the Americas on the road to the UN Food Systems Summit

The messages define agriculture as a fundamental activity in eradicating poverty, driving rural development and protecting the natural environment, and they advocate that special attention be placed on vulnerable rural populations in the Caribbean and the Northern Triangle of Central America. Moreover, they emphasize the role of agriculture and farmers as an essential and central link in food systems, as well as the need to bolster national science and technology systems to capitalize on new opportunities.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


University of Chile and IICA kick off Diploma in Rural Extension 2021

The diploma program comprises three courses: Designing an Extension Program; Participatory Diagnosis; and Innovation Management and Communication. The program delivers the theoretical foundation and practical tools for rural extension professionals.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Countries of the Americas to present a united front at the United Nations Food Systems Pre-Summit in Rome Ā 

The ā€œunity in actionā€ called for by Panamaā€™s Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama, will begin in Italyā€™s capital at the global meetingā€™s Pre-Summit in July. The aim of the Summit is to sustainably strengthen food security. Ā 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Argentine White Helmets and IICA work to restore food production in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines after volcanic eruption

30,000 people were evacuated from their homes, the majority of which were small-scale farmers as the lands surrounding the volcano are used for agricultural production.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

David Bachi

Argentine farmers advocate soil health for sustainable agriculture

David ā€œBachiā€ Roggero, President of the Argentine No-Till Farmers Association (AAPRESID), shared some secrets behind the model of economic, social and environmental sustainability promoted by the organization in an interview with AgroAmerica, a program broadcast on the Brazilian TV network AgroMais.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Organic production is in growing demand and holds great potential for Latin America and the Caribbean

The new Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador, Tanlly Vera Mendoza, and the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico, VĆ­ctor Villalobos, participated in a seminar that analyzed the contribution of organic production to the transformation of agrifood systems.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Argentine teacher to receive IICA Leaders of Rurality award for broadcasting classes over the radio during pandemic

Bruno lives in San Roque, a small city in the province of Corrientes in northeastern Argentina, where he advocates that formal education should train young people in food production methods, along with improving education in rural areas to generate opportunities for individual and collective development to help halt migration to the cities.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Convenio VAMS

Investment consultancy firm, VAMS, and IICA partner to promote sustainable agriculture and technological innovation in the Americas

Vista Alta Management Solutions (VAMS), with ample experience in North and Latin America, will work alongside IICA to promote initiatives in water management, agrifood development, job creation and clean energy.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


UN Food Systems Summit: the countries of the Americas reach consensus to ensure that the voice of farmers is heard at the global forum

The principles that guided the search for consensus were that there are no food systems without agriculture and that producers must therefore be duly represented at the Summit; science must be the fundamental input for the formulation of policies; and agriculture is part of the solution to the main challenges facing humanity

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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