November 9, 2023
The 8th edition of the regional Virtual Business Roundtable was organized by IICA, FAO, SE-CAC and SIECA.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 8, 2023
Nearly 500 agronomists and technicians from the ministries of Agriculture of El Salvador, Panama, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 7, 2023
The province has a longstanding tradition producing yerba mate, a plant species that has given rise to an industry of great economic and social importance, as a source of income for thousands of family farmers.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 6, 2023
The Leaders of Rurality of the Americas award pays tribute to those who are playing a unique dual role, both as guarantors of food and nutritional security, as well as custodians of the planet’s biodiversity, by producing under all manner of circumstances.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 3, 2023
At an in-person event at IICA Headquarters in San Jose, the members of the five finalist teams will present their proposed solutions to real agricultural problems, developed using the Minecraft Education technological platform.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 3, 2023
This took place at the 23rd DATAGRO International Conference on Sugar and Ethanol, a traditional and highly relevant event linked to the promotion of liquid biofuels.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
November 1, 2023
This joint work will also aim to promote the development of national regulations and public policies, as well as to establish channels for dialogue to build regional consensus on the issue.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 30, 2023
CAF’s 2023 Economy and Development Report (EDR) emphasizes three main ideas: the importance of adaptation, the need to contribute to global mitigation, and the urgent need to preserve natural capital as a key factor for development in the Americas.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
October 27, 2023
During the presentation of its Economy and Development Report in San Jose, the Bank emphasized its role as a strategic ally of Costa Rica, through its provision of technical cooperation, financing and support in the search for and implementation of solutions to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Headquarters. 600 m. northeast of the Ipís-Coronado intersection. Vázquez de Coronado, San Isidro 11101 – Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica
Tel (+506) 2216 0222
Fax (+506) 2216 0233